Training Data for Artificial Intelligence | CogitoTech

Cogito is the right place for Data Outsourcing Services with human automated dataset training for machine learning and artificial intelligence. Cogito is offering services like Visual Search, Image Annotation, Sentiment Analysis, Machine Learning, Content Moderation, Data Collection, Data Classification, Search Relevance, Audio Video Transcription and OCR Transcription services with best quality and high accuracy.

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Data Annotation Company

Friday Dec 16, 2022

Friday Dec 16, 2022

With our flexible workforce readily available for deployment, we can scale up at any time to accommodate your business needs. Cogito shoulders AI enterprises and business initiatives by deploying a proficient workforce for data annotation, content moderation, and other data processing services

Monday Jun 08, 2020

Listen this audio file to know why social media content moderation is important for online platforms & how it works. In this audio voice, it is discussed why and how social media content moderation is used to control the unwanted contents posted on the FaceBook, Twitter, Tumbler and various other online platforms, where user-generated content is submitted.

Thursday May 21, 2020

Listen this audio file carefully, describing what is human-in-the-loop machine learning and why or how HITL used in AI. The audio voice will help you to know about the HITL and why or how it is used machine learning to develop the AI based models. 

Friday Mar 06, 2020

This audio file is explaining the benefits of hiring to GDPR, CCPA or SOC type compliant companies. The audio is explaining how data security compliant companies can provide the best and most secured training data sets for AI and machine learning developments.

Wednesday Feb 12, 2020

This audio by Cogito explains what is deepfake technology and how it works with detection services to detect such fake images or videos with the help of experts. This audio contains, the definition, how Deepfake technology works and how to detect the deepfake videos with human power. 

Thursday Jan 09, 2020

Listen this audio to know what is customer sentiment analysis and how it is used to find out the feelings and opinions of different people towards a particular brand, product, services and company. This audio also shows how sentiment analysis is done using the social media platforms and various other similar sources.

Thursday Nov 21, 2019

This is an audio file explaining what is image annotation with the introduction to five different types of image annotation services offered by the data annotation companies to create the training data for AI and ML companies.Visit:

Monday Nov 18, 2019

Listen here how machine learning in dentistry can improve the dental imaging analysis to diagnosis the dental related various problems with more accuracy. There are different types of methods that can help dental care and treatment process to give the accurate the results.

Thursday Aug 22, 2019

To know How to Improve Accuracy Of Machine Learning Model listen this audio file that clearly explains how to improve ML model accuracy using the various techniques. The best method is described right here by the experts helping the ML engineers to develop the accurate model

Thursday Aug 01, 2019

Listen this audio file that explains, truth about the myths on outsource data annotation services to third party. The top four myths like data safety, in-house annotation is better or cost-effective, different use-cases, third-party is expensive etc. are cleared here with few examples.

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