Training Data for Artificial Intelligence | CogitoTech

Cogito is the right place for Data Outsourcing Services with human automated dataset training for machine learning and artificial intelligence. Cogito is offering services like Visual Search, Image Annotation, Sentiment Analysis, Machine Learning, Content Moderation, Data Collection, Data Classification, Search Relevance, Audio Video Transcription and OCR Transcription services with best quality and high accuracy.

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Thursday Jul 11, 2019

Listen this audio file to know how much training data is required for machine learning algorithms with expert guidance to know how to calculate or find how much training data is enough to use in ML algorithms.

Tuesday Jun 18, 2019

Listen here What is the best Text Annotation Tool for NLP to annotate the texts with metadata and right comments making it recognizable for computer vision in machine learning and AI development.

Tuesday Jun 04, 2019

To know what are the various types of data sets used in machine learning, listen this audio that explains the different types of data sets used in machine learning or deep learning in AI. 

Wednesday May 08, 2019

If you want to know what is the future of machine learning in Healthcare listen here audio the various aspects justifying the scope and future of machine learning based applications.

What is an Audio Transcription?

Thursday Apr 18, 2019

Thursday Apr 18, 2019

Listen this audio file to know what is audio transcription and how it is done. The voice of an expert is explaining the entire definition and audio transcription process with examples and different types of techniques and resources available in the market for doing such transcriptions.

Monday Mar 18, 2019

If you want to know how model predictions are used to increase data labeling speed and improve accuracy listen this audio file carefully that explaining what are the types of use cases of model predictions in machine learning. 

Friday Feb 15, 2019

If you want to know how to measure quality while training the machine learning models you can carefully listen this audio file also explains what are the leading parameters are used in checking the quality of training data sets in machine learning while building an AI-supported business model and system applications.

Thursday Jan 17, 2019

This audio file is explaining how AI will improve healthcare services in 2019 with set of examples how this technology is integrated into various sub-fields. The voice of an expert is telling how artificial intelligence will be becomes more active and what are the various other areas where AI will be used with more active participation for providing the better medical facilities.

Saturday Dec 15, 2018

To know what is Deep Learning and how it helps to Healthcare Sector watch this audio file that illuminates the use cases that is helping to change the healthcare industry and its treatment process. The entire discussion is pronounced with deep learning definitions and how it is used in healthcare sector to provide a better treatment and medical facilities to patients.

Tuesday Nov 13, 2018

To know about the top five best usages of artificial intelligence in healthcare listen this audio file that explains with the use cases for artificial intelligence in medical imaging word. 

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